Wednesday, December 6, 2023

Dynamics 365 Rich Text Editor - Enable HTML Tab

 To enable both the Designer and HTML view in OOB rich text editor, follow these steps.


Add the OOB web resource to your solution if required. The URL is




This file will be empty. Paste the following sample configuration and publish the web resource. This will enable the HTML tab globally including the RTE for notes in timeline (if enabled).

  "defaultSupportedProps": {
    "font_defaultLabel": "Arial",
    "fontSize_defaultLabel": "10",
    "stickyStyle": {
      "font-size": "10pt",
      "font-family": "'Arial',sans-serif"
    "toolbarLocation": "bottom",
    "copyFormatting_allowRules": true
  "showAsTabControl": true,
  "showFullScreenExpander": true,
  "showHtml": true,
  "showPreview": false,
  "showPreviewHeaderWarning": false,
  "disallowUserPersonalization": true

To enable for control only on a specific page:

Create a new JavaScript webresource and paste the above code in it. 

Add the RTE Control to the multiline text box.

Paste the Web Resource URL in the Static value textbox.




Publish the form to see the changes.

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